ClickCease Designs by sandymanme - Design the new van for a sustainable energy company

Design the new van for a sustainable energy company

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: Groenpand
  • Category: Other
  • Total budget: € 519.00
  • Start date : 11-06-2021 11:51
  • Ending date : 28-07-2021 00:00
  • Status : Ended
  • Relevant files:
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 124
  • Response rate:
    low high


Groenpand has recently been given a makeover and we would like our company vans to keep up with the latest fashion. A Groenpand van should stand out, in a good way. We are not a dime a dozen installation company, so our van shouldn't be either!

Things we like are for example:
- An individual van design/color for each of our services (solar panels, heat pumps, green roofs, etc.)
- Natural or playful shapes and illustrations. We've included a few with the files, but feel free to play around with them or add to them. You absolutely don't have to use them.
- A striking color (green?)

You will find our corporate identity colors and logos at Do you need more/other files or do you have a question about this competition, our marketing guru Esther is happy to help you:

To make it easy for you, we have made a mock-up available in which you can make your design. You can open it with Adobe Photoshop:

If you're the winner, we'd like to give you the opportunity to create designs for our other company cars, for a reasonable fee. And perhaps you have some fabulous ideas for our company building? Not required, but we think it's a great opportunity?!

Company description:

Groenpand is a young idealistic company from the Netherlands specialized in the installment of solar panels, heat pumps, green roofs and other energy saving opportunities. We are also a supplier of clean, green energy. Our mission is the make homes and offices independent of polluting fossil fuels. Will you take a look at our website?

Target group:

People like us who consciously choose sustainability over the alternatives.

Colors, favourites and other requirements

- Our logo (see relevant files)
- The slogan 'Maak je pand planetproof'
- Our brand colors (

  • Other # 1216950 for Design the new van for a sustainable energy company contest Submit complaint
    1. sandymanme says

      Thank you for your feedback. Submitted revised artwork.
      Your valuable reviews & suggestions are welcome.

      Many Thanks

    2. Groenpand says :

      Very nice, thank you for making the changes!

    3. sandymanme says

      Thank you for your feedback.
      Your valuable suggestions are always welcome.

      Many Thanks

    4. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Other # 1216750 for Design the new van for a sustainable energy company contest Submit complaint
    1. Groenpand says :

      Simple but effective. Perhaps a green border around the bottom of the van (implying grass) could further improve the design.

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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