ClickCease Designs by flamenco72 - Looking for a offbeat logo for hot chocolate coffeeshop

Looking for a offbeat logo for hot chocolate coffeeshop

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: Biskuit
  • Category: Logo & stationery
  • Total budget: € 349.00
  • Start date : 02-11-2013 15:15
  • Ending date : 16-11-2013 14:32
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 226
  • Response rate:
    low high


Hello ! I would love a logo that can express at the same time sobriety and have a country house feel to it, I'll also have business cards with a grainy texture using recycled paper.
"L'armoire à cuillères" ("the spoon drawer") is the french name that I picked for my chocolat coffee shop as it expresses at the same time a vintage feel, nostalgia, wood, materials (the drawer), full-rounded flavour and deserts (the spoon), but it also relates to books as it's a sentence from an anti-consumerism song from Boris Vian called "La complainte du progres".
Boris Vian has a very caustic , offbeat, ironic humor. I love his intended misuse of words.
Anyway, I would like a logo that reflects on all these themes and evocative, that takes you a journey and at the same time have that comfort and reassuring aspect of childhood objects.
I don't want it to be explicit! For instance : A drawer and a spoon, or a book and a cup...

I would like something that is offbeat and reassuring (yes, impossible... (sigh) )
It could be a mascotte
I love white handwritten fonts, a bit sloppy, like our grandmas can have.
My logo will be used everywhere from labels on my chocolate paste to my future by-products ( cooking apron...)
A vector version the logo would be welcomed.

Company description:

It's a hot chocolate coffeeshop with home made pastries, and second hand books. The place is in te historical center of the town.

Target group:

Women and children!! Of course, old ladies and tourists, but for the most, it would be the 18-34 years old workers.

Colors, favourites and other requirements

I like wood, yellow and orange from East of Europe, but cold coulours from the North of Europe. So, at least, all is fine, except flashy colours!!
Thank you for yout help.

  • Logo & stationery # 269104 for Looking for a offbeat logo for hot chocolate coffeeshop contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer flamenco72:


      Merci pour vos commentaires.

      Voici un nouvel essai avec des couleurs chaudes mais pas agressives.

      Je suis à votre disposition.


    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo & stationery # 268440 for Looking for a offbeat logo for hot chocolate coffeeshop contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer flamenco72:


      Nouvelle proposition, pour jouer la carte du Mystère...


    2. Biskuit says :

      Bonjour, oui, c'est sympa comme teasing... Mais on penserait plus à un dépôt-vente vintage, non ?

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo & stationery # 267687 for Looking for a offbeat logo for hot chocolate coffeeshop contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer flamenco72:


      Voici ma proposition.

      Merci de me dire si je suis parti dans la bonne direction pour que je puisse faire des modifications si nécessaire.

      Je reste à votre disposition.


    2. Biskuit says :

      Bonjour, et merci, excusez-moi de n'avoir pas répondu, je n'arrivais pas à me connecter. Les scotchs sont une bonne idée, comme si une photo était collée. Des cuillères plus travaillées ?

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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