ClickCease Designs by Creator 2.0 - Develop a logo house style for fun and development of people

Develop a logo house style for fun and development of people

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: kburgering
  • Category: Logo & stationery
  • Total budget: € 319.00
  • Start date : 19-06-2017 10:19
  • Ending date : 26-06-2017 10:18
  • Status : Ended
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 55
  • Response rate:
    low high


Develop a logo & house style for my new company (zelfkracht=self power). I've already set the URL through hostnet.

The company is me. I am an interim team coach who develops fun and customer-oriented teams.

In the name of my company, the numbers are 11-08 ((Z) eleven (kr), my date of birth. I have something with these numbers, I see them daily on boards, in time, websites. Self-strength is also a word that touches what I do and what I stand for. In every human being there is a force, a talent. When you use this, there is fun and development in your life.

Fun, openness and development are my core values.

My vision:
Customers and employees are people like you and me.

My mission
I want to make people who are in direct contact with the consumer or entrepreneur more human through equal contact, verbal and non-verbal. I do this because employees who can and may be able to sell the company the best and have fun in their work.

I also want to build a website. I want 1 homepage where you see / read my company's core, a link to my linked page and a contact. If you already have ideas for it, then I invite you to show me this too.

Thank you in advance for your creativity and commitment. Regards, Karen

Company description:

Target group:

Colors, favourites and other requirements

Creator 2.0
  • Logo & stationery # 740890 for Develop a logo house style for fun and development of people contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Creator 2.0:

      Beste Karen/mevr Burgering,

      Bijgaand mijn deelname aan de door u uitgeschreven wedstrijd. Ik hoop dat mijn logo aansluit bij de verwachtingen die u heeft voor uw logo. Ik kijk uit naar uw reactie,

      mvrgr Ted

    2. kburgering says :

      Dag Ted, dank voor jouw logo. Ik ben inmiddels verder met logo's die mij meer aanspraken en waar ik verder mee wil. Dank voor jouw inspanning en tijd.
      Groet, Karen

    3. Creator 2.0 says

      Hoi Karen,

      Dank voor uw reactie maar de wedstrijd loopt toch nog door tot 26-06? Met dit bericht zeg je eigenlijk, doe geen poging meer... wat apart. U zou ook kunnen zeggen, jammer dit is het niet helemaal maar doe vooral nog een poging en denk daarbij aan... etc etc. U bent notabel coach die het beste uit de mensen probeert te halen :-)

    4. Creator 2.0 says

      notabel is notabene

    5. Creator 2.0 says

      notabel is notabene

    6. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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