ClickCease Designs by imalamin46 - New visual identity for a company specialized in the civil engineering laboratory

New visual identity for a company specialized in the civil engineering laboratory

Contest details:

  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 369.00
  • Start date : 04-10-2018 23:57
  • Ending date : 18-10-2018 00:00
  • Status : Ended
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 257
  • Response rate:
    low high


The CONTROLAB company wants to modernize and to update its logo, keeping its name CONTROLAB which includes two keywords : CONTROL and LABORATORY.
We are looking forward to having a creative and impacting logo which inspire the activity of our company, with new font and colors. "Pacman" has to disappear ! We look for a new strong identity that must be interpreted as a new start-up, a new turn for the company.
Controlab manufactures and sell laboratory equipments for civil engineering works, such as concrete press, screens, scales ... Have a look on our website
Our company evolves in a technical and worldwide environment, our main customers are civil engineering laboratories and the manufacturers of building bulk materials (cements, concretes) as well as schools and universities.
We want to use this logo for the whole communication, will be also integrated on our equipment from the smallest screen to the largest drilling rig.
The logo must be impacting, functional and able to adapt itself to all the supports.
We will offer a full support during the competition, do not hesitate to ask us for clarifications which will be necessary for you.

Attached the current logo

Company description:

Target group:

Colors, favourites and other requirements

  • Logo design # 902466 for New visual identity for a company specialized in the civil engineering laboratory contest Submit complaint
    1. Zaidati says

      Merci pour votre retour, pouvez vous nous faire une proposition de carte de visite ?

      Pour les logos nous souhaitons deux propositions

      - un logo avec la couleur Pourpre : (89006e ; C : 50 % - M : 100 % - J : 23 % - N : 6 %) comme proposé ci-dessous (

      - un logo avec la couleur Bleu ( Bleue (1e324d ; C : 95 % - M : 81 % - J : 43 % - N : 39 %) comme proposé ci dessous (

      Merci encore

    2. Zaidati says

      Thank you very much for your reactivity, your logo is really interesting.
      Can you please send me a business card proposal today?
      We will give you an answer before the end of the week.

      Warm Regards,

    3. imalamin46 says

      Sorry for being late Sir. I will send you the business proposal as soon as possible.
      Kind regards.


      We would like to thank you for you work and I'm pleased to announce that you are declared as being the winner. Zaidati will come back to you for some minor color changes and the design of the business card.
      André Lechat

    5. imalamin46 says

      Thank you so much Sir.

    6. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 902893 for New visual identity for a company specialized in the civil engineering laboratory contest Submit complaint
    1. imalamin46 says

      Done Sir.

    2. Zaidati says

      Thank you for your feedback.

      Can you make us another proposal, less colorful.

      Thank you, we will get back to you on Friday for the final decision

    3. imalamin46 says

      Sure Sir.

    4. imalamin46 says

    5. imalamin46 says

      Please check the link for new business card example.

    6. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 899878 for New visual identity for a company specialized in the civil engineering laboratory contest Submit complaint
    1. No comments

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 899616 for New visual identity for a company specialized in the civil engineering laboratory contest Submit complaint

      Is the gray not too light to be on a machine or on a white board ? Also the aspect ratio of the current logo is not respected.
      Any other proposal to compare ?

    2. imalamin46 says

      Thank you Sir for your ratings.

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 899600 for New visual identity for a company specialized in the civil engineering laboratory contest Submit complaint

      Good step.
      Do not hesitate to suggest any other design. Please respect the aspect ratio of the current logo. We need also a favicon
      Note that it should be visible on a machine/equiupment on a construction site for the civil engineering.

    2. imalamin46 says

      Thank you Sir.

    3. imalamin46 says

      Hi Sir, Please check my new proposal.

    4. Zaidati says

      Merci pour votre participation, nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que vous faites partie de nos cinq finalistes pour ce logo.

      Dans le but de nous aider à finaliser notre concours et de pouvoir ainsi choisir notre logo :
      - Pouvez-vous, s'il vous plait, faire des simulations avec les couleurs suivantes : Pourpre : (89006e ; C : 50 % - M : 100 % - J : 23 % - N : 6 %) ; Bleue (1e324d ; C : 95 % - M : 81 % - J : 43 % - N : 39 %)
      - Nous proposer un favicon pour notre site web
      - Nous faire des propositions de carte de visites
      - Faire un essai de votre logo sur l'équipement de laboratoire ci joint : béton.jpg
      - Faire un essai du logo sur notre laboratoire mobile ci joint : mobile.jpg
      - Faire un dernier essai sur un véhicule :

      Nous souhaitons les éléments suivants pour demain.
      Encore merci pour votre contribution et pour votre accompagnement dans la recherche de notre nouvelle identité visuelle.


    5. imalamin46 says

      Thank you Sir for your valuable feedback. I will send you the revised design as soon as possible.

    6. imalamin46 says

      Please check my new submission.

    7. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 899589 for New visual identity for a company specialized in the civil engineering laboratory contest Submit complaint

      Très sympa. N'hésitez pas à nous proposer d'autres versions. Cela doit être visible sur une machine.
      100 % de latitude sur les couleurs.
      On veut vraiment un logo qui dynamise l'entreprise et marque le changement.
      Pourquoi ne pas aller vers des couleurs "flashy" : C 33% M 99% Y 0% N 0% ou C 25% M 99% Y 2% N 0% - Juste une idée - Voir le logo de la société FIVES
      Attention à mettre en phase avec notre site web


      Merci de nous faire d'autre proposition avec une police suffisamment épaisse pour être visible sur une machine de chantier. Logo épuré et simple, design et élégant avec un dynamisme et un impact fort. Respecter le ratio du logo actuel et prévoir un favicon. N'hésitez pas à être dynamique, inventif sur les couleurs. Sortez du cadre. Nous voulons marquer la rupture. Merci et bon concours !

    3. imalamin46 says

      Thank you Sir for your valuable feedback and ratings. Please check my revised design. I have 1 request for you Sir, If you send me the next feedback in english, It will be so helpfull for me.
      Kind regards.

    4. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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