ClickCease Designs by Franky_Ice - MWS-service cleaning for office and home

MWS-service cleaning for office and home

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: MWS-Service
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 310.00
  • Start date : 01-07-2012 14:35
  • Ending date : 15-07-2012 14:17
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 91
  • Response rate:
    low high


Logo is not more than 2 different colors (gray in color does not matter)
Logo should contain the name of MWS Service
-It must be accessible for the target group
-Must take good care bills and flyers and Visietenkarten
-The logo should reflect what we are working

Company description:

We are a cleaning indoor windows occasionally.
Our company was founded in 2004
We clean with top-quality products have very high quality.
Our philosophy of quality, cleanliness, reliability and comfortable dealing with other people
We go back to the customer and take care of everything "in the budget" is produced. Cleaning, cleaning, shopping, post office, etc. to get

Target group:

We are a cleaning company to the
middle and upper classes of society have specialized.
Our clients are Industrial companies and private households

Colors, favourites and other requirements

Logo is not more than 2 different colors (gray in color does not matter)
Work clothes should be in light blue so it will not fit in light blue logo
-It must be because MWS service lessbar
Text in German when-then "Reinigung für Büro und Haushalt"
Please try a clean image that you see the work we support people in the household as well as in the office

  • Logo design # 105091 for MWS-service cleaning for office and home contest Submit complaint
    1. No comments

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 103136 for MWS-service cleaning for office and home contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Franky_Ice:

      Ich hoff die Richtung stimmt. Gruß

    2. MWS-Service says :

      Versuchen sie bitte mal den scharzen Hintergrund wegzunehmen dann kann man es besser erkennen. Mir fehlt noch irgendwie das man sieht das wir im Haushalt unterstützend sind vieleicht fällt Ihnen was ein bin immoment noch irgend wie ratlos


    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 102715 for MWS-service cleaning for office and home contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Franky_Ice:

      Hier mein Beitrag für Ihren Service von MWS. Im Hintergrund von Schwarz und Weiß, aber Farbwahl kann geändert werden. Für Feedback würde ich mich freuen. Achja, ich hoff "The cleanup crew" - "Die Saubermacher" ist nicht zu extravagant.
      Gruß Franky_Ice

    2. MWS-Service says :

      Hallo Franky ganz nett mir fehlt irgendwie eine Art Bild das selbst ein Analphabet kapiert worum es geht

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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