ClickCease Designs by Dadaist - Develop a logo for New Vitality Program

Develop a logo for New Vitality Program

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: Lvrzl
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 230.00
  • Start date : 08-12-2017 16:11
  • Ending date : 15-12-2017 00:00
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 93
  • Response rate:
    low high


The logo must be suitable for a website and for printing.

We are looking for a simple and powerful logo that is anything but superficial. The additional information below gives an overview of our target group and the programme.

Company description:

3 days in a luxury 4-star hotel on the Hoge Veluwe and a return day after 1 month under supervision of 2 experienced professionals with years of experience in the field of health / vitality.

Participants learn what healthy food is, how they can exercise more effectively and sleep better so that they have a better physical basis. In addition, they learn how to improve their mental health and bring more meaning to life.

The result? Vitality, energy, more focus and a strong basis for an interesting life.

Target group:

You are successful and enjoy life. You place high demands on yourself. You are a hard worker and entrepreneurial in nature, but also a Burgundian with a predilection for quality.

At work you usually make good decisions, but when it comes to yourself less. The first gray hairs appear, you have less energy, less passion, you sometimes lack focus and you were sometimes slimmer and fitter. You ask yourself from time to time: is this all?

The picture is quite right on the outside, but it twists inside. Lately you miss your smile of yesteryear.

You are looking for experts who understand what it's like for you. But you are not looking for cosmetic tricks and superficial step-by-step plans. You are averse to fleeting hypes and diets. At the same time, you realise that healthy nutrition, exercise and sleep are important.

You are ready for a new step, towards a more vital, interesting and richer life.

Colors, favourites and other requirements

  • Logo design # 804145 for Develop a logo for New Vitality Program contest Submit complaint
    1. VirtualLies says ????

    2. Dadaist says

      Héél fijn dat u het zelf opmerkt en dat is ook de enige reden waarom ik het gepost heb!! Dit is een logo dat ik vorige week getekend heb voor een andere wedstrijd.

    3. Dadaist says

      Iedereen pikt hier a volonté ideeën en soms slaat de stoppen door...

    4. Dadaist says

      Mijn excuses als dit verkeerd binnenkomt, maar probeer u ook heel even in te leven in de situatie van de designer. Waarschijnlijk zal het toeval zijn, of is de vorm niet zo heel origineel als meerdere mensen met eenzelfde idee rondlopen.

    5. VirtualLies says

      Thank you for your response. From this point of view I do understand your upload... sorry for having had the same idea, seems we've had the same vision in mind ;)
      Kind regards, Dagmar

    6. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 803768 for Develop a logo for New Vitality Program contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo design # 803766 for Develop a logo for New Vitality Program contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo design # 802563 for Develop a logo for New Vitality Program contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo design # 802549 for Develop a logo for New Vitality Program contest Submit complaint
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