ClickCease Designs by siwimulyani01 - Cloud9 logo

Cloud9 logo

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: Jeroen3110
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 369.00
  • Start date : 01-08-2019 14:56
  • Ending date : 21-08-2019 00:00
  • Status : Ended
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 281
  • Response rate:
    low high


We are a recruitment organisation (freelance and direct hiring) in the field of buisness intelligence, big data and analytics. Our clients are our candidates (IT and business specialists) and larger MSI and multinationals like ING, ASML, Philps etc.) We deliver niche candidates, quickly and take over the time-consuming process for our clients. We have a logo, but we need to refresh it in preparation for our new house style (preparation has not started yet). Please find attached the orange/blue logo which is our current logo. The other attachment is a brainwave from one of our employees. The way we write Cloud9 is op for discussion. We like to see other ideas as well.
Feeling we want to evoke with this logo (and later house style) are quality, speed, trust, premium service and robust.

Company description:

Target group:

Colors, favourites and other requirements

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