ClickCease Designs by kipic - Create a logo for a elite institution for managers

Create a logo for a elite institution for managers

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: Eva Kinast
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 329.00
  • Start date : 04-04-2015 16:35
  • Ending date : 23-04-2015 18:00
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,psd,ai,pdf,png,svg
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 117
  • Response rate:
    low high


The logo should communicate the following values:
• The Executive Coaching Program has a formative experiences to your life
• The logo should address managers, main of these are men
• High quality approach
• I am a top coach – well educated and with a lot of experience
• The managers can trust me
• The managers are looking for power , career, dynamic – the logo should represent this.
• I offer the possibility of “CHANGE”. The managers will never forget my seminar.

Company description:

My company was founded in 2001. My main offer is an Excecutive Coaching Program. This is 8 day long development program for managers. Further I am working as a business coach for top level manager in larger companies. I am very different from other trainers, because I am a phD of psychology and worked a long time as a manager in a big German company. Quality is very important for me and my profession. I have a look for a new logo.
I need this logo for my web page Later I need also a new business card, business stationary, promotion booklet …)

Target group:

My main target group are managers in different levels. Managers come to me because of:
• They what to train their management style and leadership profession
• They are unhappy with their job or carrier
• They have private problems with their wife or children
• They are close to an burnout
• They need a pit stop
• They wish more work life balance
• They want to learn methods of selfcoaching
These managers look at my homepage to check my profession because they are unsure, if this development program is the right solution for their individual topic.
The output of the seminar is:
1. You have success in your job
2. Your relationship to other are OK
3. You have individual well-being

Colors, favourites and other requirements

The logo should contain my name “DR. EVA KINAST” and the subtitle of the company “Die Kaderschmiede für Führungskräfte” This means: “elite institution for managers”
• The main colors of my new web page are:
o blue: #1D6BD5 or R: 29 G: 107 B: 213
o gray: #DCDEDB or. R: 220 G: 222 B: 219

  • Logo design # 475093 for Create a logo for a elite institution for managers contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer kipic:

      Do you need just this two logos in this blue color #1D6BD5 or something more? :)

    2. Eva Kinast says :

      Only these two logos. Thank you.

    3. kipic says

      You're welcome :)

    4. Eva Kinast says :

      Great! You are the winner. The competition will stop today at 18 o´clock. Please, could I get all grafic formats?

    5. kipic says

      Thanks :) Yes, I can send to you all graphic formats. Just tell me which formats you need and I will send that to you.

      Thanks again :)

    6. Eva Kinast says :

      I need jpg, psd, ai, pdf, png, svg, eps. Thanks.

    7. kipic says

      ok.. I'll send you all of these formats :)

    8. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 474865 for Create a logo for a elite institution for managers contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer kipic:

      If I understand correctly you need something like this? :)

    2. Eva Kinast says :

      Please could you use for the blue parts the following colour code: #1D6BD5
      Please use this for ALL logos. Thank you.

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 474644 for Create a logo for a elite institution for managers contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer kipic:

      Something like this blue background?

    2. Eva Kinast says :

      Great, please put the white logo and the blue logo in one picture. Because we want to usw the blue one for the homepage and the white background for the Business papers

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 472949 for Create a logo for a elite institution for managers contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer kipic:

      Please, write me on english if you need to change something more :) Thanks

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 472797 for Create a logo for a elite institution for managers contest Submit complaint
    1. No comments

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 472796 for Create a logo for a elite institution for managers contest Submit complaint
    1. No comments

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  • Logo design # 472795 for Create a logo for a elite institution for managers contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer kipic:

      something like this?

    2. Eva Kinast says :

      Schön! Könnten Sie bitte folgendes machen:
      1. den schattenhaften Strich unter dem Symbol wegmachen.
      2. DR. EVA KINAST bündig mit der Oberkante des Symbols und Die Kaderschmiede für Führungskräfte bündig mit der Unterkante des Symbols machen.
      3. Das Ganze auf weißen Hintergrund setzen.

    3. kipic says

      Please, type me on english if you can.

      Thanks :)

    4. Eva Kinast says :

      Nice! please
      1. remove the line below the symbol
      2. the top of DR. Eva Kinast and the symbol should be at the same top postion + the botton of "Die Kaderschmiede...! and the symbol should be at the same botton postion
      3. Please use just a white background

    5. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 472169 for Create a logo for a elite institution for managers contest Submit complaint
    1. Eva Kinast says :

      Das EK in Blau/Grau gefällt mir sehr gut. Das Symbol hätte ich gerne links, den Namen rechts (wie unten im zweiten Logo). Zwischen EVA und KINAST fände ich ein Leerzeichen besser. Die Größe der Buchstaben von DIE Kaderschmiede für Führungskräfte ist im zweiten Logo unten besser, und auch den Trennstrich zwischen Symbol und Namen hätte ich gerne. Insgesamt: Ihr Stil gefällt mir sehr gut. Hätten Sie denn noch einen Vorschlag mit einer Treppe als Symbol für Erfolg?

    2. Eva Kinast says :

      EK in blue /grew is pretty good. I think, the symbol should be left and my name at the right postion (like your first design). Between EVA and KINAST should be more space. The font size and the hyphen of your first design is nice. Your style is good. Do you have an idea with "stairs as a symbol for success"?

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 472168 for Create a logo for a elite institution for managers contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer kipic:

      I hope you like this logo :)

    2. Eva Kinast says :

      The font size and the hyphen is nice.

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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