ClickCease Designs by Némo - Design a name for a company that makes location descriptions of houses

Design a name for a company that makes location descriptions of houses

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: Inya Synhaeve
  • Category: Company name
  • Total budget: € 129.00
  • Start date : 20-09-2018 11:54
  • Ending date : 05-10-2018 00:00
  • Status : Ended
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 175
  • Response rate:
    low high


Make up a name for a company that make technical discriptions of houses. A technical inventory is a document that describes the condition of a building when it is rented or sold.

The company name must be short and powerful. Preferably not too difficult in pronunciation or notation.

Company description:

Company that prepares place descriptions in which all technical data of a building are noted

Target group:

Seller or buyer of a building

Colors, favourites and other requirements

Simple, English, easy to remember

  • Company name # 895136 for Design a name for a company that makes location descriptions of houses contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Némo:

      Ô, .com ...

      ( déclinations = Ô - DIATEQÔ

      a highly evocative appellation of the universe of the house:
      - ô/ôm = home, property
      - ô/ôm = the circumflex accent evokes the roof, it can be used in the logo to symbolize the roof (by an extension of the line going up to the letter Q (symbol of the expertise, the magnifying glass of the expert)
      - Ô allows to summon the notions of enthusiasm, pleasure, work well done, precise and reassuring technical diagnosis for the future buyer.
      - the Q can also be the subject of a graphic work in the logo (the magnifying glass of the expert of the technical diagnosis)

      The name breaks down as follows =

      1) ÔDIATEQ > short version
      Ô (home, house, property, enthusiam, well done..) + DIA (diagnotic) TEQ (technical)

      2) ÔMDIATEQ or DIATEQÔM > long version
      Ôm (home, house, property, enthusiam, well done..) + DIA (diagnotic) TEQ (technical)

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Company name # 894554 for Design a name for a company that makes location descriptions of houses contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Némo:

      Proposition built around the words:
      PROPERTY (property, house ...) and TEQ (technical, technical diagnosis).

      The final letter Q, very used in naming to evoke the technicality, can take the form of a magnifying glass in the logo. The magnifying glass of the expert, the technical diagnosis ...)

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Company name # 894536 for Design a name for a company that makes location descriptions of houses contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Némo:

      1) A simple, short name, explicit, understandable in all languages, formed from the words DOM / DOME (house, property ...) and AUDIT (synonym of diagnosis, expertise, inspection, control ...)

      2) This proposal is totally free in. nl
      (It is for sale in .com, but the .nl domain is sufficient)

      3) It is possible to use totally free versions, .nl ...:

      - dom + audit + technique = DOMAUDITEC / DOMAUDITECH / DOMAUDITEK /
      - dom + audit = DOMODIT / DOMODITECH

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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